Michelle Eskola. Atmospheres and Stability 2017.

Atmospheres and Stability at Spiro Grace Art Rooms 2017. Photo: Carl Warner.

Michelle Eskola. Untitled (between time and form) 2017.

Untitled (between time and form) 2017, pigment on paper, 210 x 310 mm (framed). Photo: Carl Warner.

Michelle Eskola. Scrambling and Transmission 2017.

Scrambling and Transmission 2017, pigment on paper, 400 x 550 mm, diptych (framed). Photo: Carl Warner.

Untitled blue-orange, 2021, pigment on paper, 300 x 315 mm. Photo: Carl Warner.

Michelle Eskola. Between Time and Form 2017.

Between Time and Form 2017, pigment on paper, 900 x 650 mm (framed). Photo: Carl Warner.

Michelle Eskola. Variation (as remembered) 2017.

Variation (as remembered) 2017, pigment on paper, 400 x 360 mm, diptych (framed). Photo: Carl Warner.

Michelle Eskola. Time, Beat, Transition 2017.

Time, Beat, Transition 2017, pigment on paper, 615 x 615 mm (framed). Photo: Carl Warner.

It Comes in Waves 2017, pigment on paper, 700 x 500 mm (framed). Photo: Carl Warner.

Michelle Eskola. Shifting Perspective 2017.

Shifting Perspective 2017, pigment on paper, 500 x 445 mm, diptych (framed). Photo: Carl Warner.

Michelle Eskola. Mind/Breath 2017.

Mind/Breath 2017, pigment on paper, 390 x 365 mm (framed). Photo: Carl Warner.

Liminal 2017, pigment on paper, 700 x 450 mm (framed). Photo: Carl Warner.